FAQ — Casa de Luz - Alegria - Amor

Check-in, check-out times and procedures

Check-in time is 4:00 PM. The check-out time is 10:00 AM.

Our rental guests often ask to receive early check-in and/or late check-out, depending on their flight schedule. We do what we can to accommodate you in this regard, but we must ask your understanding that our housekeeping staff will clean in-between rentals, for which they may need the time span between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Their schedule and work are impeded when guests arrive early or depart late.

Therefore, if we were to commit to your early check-in or late check-out far in advance to your rental date, this would essentially mean that we would have to block out those days for you in our rental calendar, so they could not be rented to others and would thus not interfere with our commitment given to you. This would essentially mean for us that you receive an extra day at no extra charge. However, as a courtesy to our renters, we will make any reasonable effort to accommodate your early arrival or late departure schedule, such as by letting you deposit your luggage and/or rest on the veranda, while the housekeepers are still at work ....

We will communicate the actual procedure to receive the keys to you in our pre-arrival communication. This could be that the taxi driver will hand the keys to you, that you will be met by our Manager at the gate, or that we will communicate a place where you can retrieve the keys upon arrival.


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