FAQ — Casa de Luz - Alegria - Amor
Cleaning - Housekeeping
The premises are prepared for your arrival, beds made.* Once a week, our contracted housekeeper will come for regular cleaning (mopping floors and terraces, cleaning bathrooms and supplying fresh towels and linens). You are welcome to ask her for missing supplies, but please understand that the housekeeper is not prepared or authorized to perform personal services, such as dish-washing and laundry of personal items. Interim cleaning includes mopping the floors and cleaning the bathrooms. Our housekeepers will also clean the apartment after your departure. The costs for these activities are included in the rent.
Outside the Alegria or Amor apartment, there is a laundry facility that is shared between just these two apartments. It has a washing machine, drying racks and an iron and ironing table. Our renting guests may use these facilities free of charge on a first come, first served basis. There is also a private, small drying rack, for your personal laundry and to dry kitchen towels. Avoid unsightliness and please do not use the railings of the terrace as "clothesline."
Casa de Luz has a private washer/dryer unit, which our guests are welcome to use. More importantly, there is also a long clothes line for drying.
We will appreciate if you wash the linens and towels you used from our supplies (use "Rapido 30" cycle and choose "400" as spin frequency) and hang them on the clothes-line to dry.
Electricity is very expensive in Brazil (very disproportionate with regard to the low rental rates we offer). We ask for your cooperation to use clothes-lines rather than electric drying if at all possible. It has been our experience that drying on clotheslines is exceedingly effective in the local climate, and, of course, the ecologically preferable alternative.
You can purchase supplies and groceries at the local (modest) supermarket. We normally walk there, select our items, and have them deliver them to the house or apartment. They deliver within 15 - 30 minutes -- a small tip will make them happy.
* Depending on housekeeping schedules and your arrival day and time, there is a finite possibility that the beds will not be made; but then linens and towels will available for you to make the beds yourself.
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